Self Powered Sensor Faucets For Commercial Use

Commercial Self Powered Sensor Faucets

For Commercial Use Self Powered Sensor Faucets

The solar or hydropower sensor faucets does not require any electricity since it is powered by its own tiny hydroelectric generator. They are called commercial sensor faucets or motion sensor faucets they have state of the art technology, being ADA Compliant, heavy duty lavatory automatic, electronic, motion sensor faucets, made of solid brass. They are generally suitable for heavy traffic commercial and residential applications.

These sturdy and reliable fixtures are perfect for commercial applications, you can select those sensor faucets at Bath Select – a great product at a great price currently the best priced automatic sensor faucets sold in the US. Made of solid brass with chrome over nickel over copper. We offer a wide selection of high-performance faucets, spouts, and valves specifically engineered to hold up to the rigorous demands of the commercial bathroom industry.

Advantages of sensor faucets –

Hydro Power Sensor Faucets Long-Term Cost

Taking water conservation into consideration which in turn saves money on water bills, sensor activated taps saves more money long term.

Water Saving

Users can save up to 70% on water conservation when compared with manually activated taps. A lot of water is wasted when turning the tap on and off manually. With sensor touchless taps, the tap is activated or deactivated within 0.5 seconds and does not drip, a common problem with manual taps.

Energy Saving

There’s more energy needed when producing automatic sensor faucets, but this is greatly reduced when it comes to the amount of water it saves long-term. With manual faucets, a lot more water is wasted, which means that a lot of energy is needed to re-process the wastage water back to the consumer. With commercial sensor taps less water is wasted and less water for processing plants to process. The level of energy saved is usually not apparent at short-term but adds up on the long-term basis.

Cross Contamination

The level of cross contamination when using a manual tap is significantly higher than sensor tap. With sensor taps, the user does not need to touch the tap to get water. Water is dispensed automatically using infrared sensor activation.


The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) reported that hand-washing causes a significant reduction in the carriage of potential pathogens on the hands and in health care. With nothing to reach or touch, sensor taps are more hygienic and promote the germ-free environment. With manual faucets, germs and dirt are easily transferred from user to tap or vice versa.


Automatic sensor faucets require less maintenance in terms of parts replacement, cleaning and everyday wear, and tear.

Hand Washing

Water wasted when washing hands is significantly higher where a manual faucet is used. With automatic hands free faucet, water is dispensed exactly when needed and shuts off automatically when hands are removed or outside the infrared sensing zone.


Those commercial faucets go by different names whether hands free, electronic, touchless, motion sensor etc. they aim at improving hygiene, conserving water and energy. They are ideal for public restroom places, such as hotels, airports, restaurants, hospitals, malls etc. where there is the continuous flow of different people traffic. They are great in a public setting, they stop the spread of germs, conserve water, and reduce cleanup time. They also cut down on vandalism—individuals who stop up the sink and let the water run. Since motion sensor faucets require a power source they either draw power from batteries or use a low-voltage current from an AC transformer or AC/DC voltage adapter. Most faucets use a low voltage DC.

The sensor components are housed within the sensor module that is located in the faucet spout, in a separate sinkhole to the side of the faucet spout, or in a special compartment up next to the water outlet. Inherently, this provides easy installation and serviceability. Further, infrared sensors save water by ensuring that water is delivered “on demand,” only when a valid target, such as the user’s hands, are present. Imagine water is wasted at astonishing 5 liters a minute while tooth brushing. People’s habit during tooth brushing is to leave the tap on whilst brushing the teeth.

This type of problem is absent when it comes to sensor taps. Water is dispensed when needed and automatically shuts off when the user withdraws away from its infrared or proximity zone. When it comes to kitchen faucets, it’s also a common trend to leave the tap running while doing the dishes. With kitchen sensor faucet, water is dispensed only when needed.

Related Articles Read:

Lavatory Commercial Sensor Faucets

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Self powered sensor faucets

written by

Bath Select Blog, is a freelance journalist from Scotland. You can find more of her work at Fembot Magazine, HelloGiggles, and New Normative.