Installing Touchless Bathroom Faucets - Shop Best Quality Bathroom Fixtures Online

Installing Touchless Bathroom Faucets

Installing a faucet with hands-free operation can be a straightforward process if you follow the proper steps. Here’s a general guide to assist you with the installation:

  1. Gather the necessary tools and materials: You’ll typically need a hands-free faucet kit (which includes the faucet, sensor, control box, and power supply), an adjustable wrench, a screwdriver, plumber’s tape, and possibly a drill.
  2. Shut off the water supply: Locate the shut-off valves under the sink and turn them clockwise to stop the water flow. If you can’t find individual shut-off valves, you may need to turn off the main water supply to your home.
  3. Disconnect the old faucet: Use the wrench to loosen and remove the supply lines connected to the old faucet. You may also need to loosen any mounting nuts or screws securing the faucet to the sink.
  4. Prepare the sink for the new faucet: Clean the area where the new faucet will be installed. Remove any debris or old plumber’s tape from the faucet holes.
  5. Install the hands-free faucet: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to install the new faucet with hands-free operation. Typically, this involves inserting the faucet into the mounting holes and securing it with the provided mounting nuts or screws. Use the adjustable wrench to securely tighten them.
  6. Connect the supply lines: Attach the hot and cold water supply lines to the corresponding inlets on the faucet. Apply plumber’s tape to the threaded connections for a watertight seal. Use the wrench to tighten the connections adequately, avoiding over-tightening.
  7. Install the sensor and control box: Depending on the model, you may need to mount the sensor and control box in a specific location. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Ensure that the sensor aligns with the faucet and is positioned correctly for optimal functionality.
  8. Connect the sensor and control box: Connect the sensor cable to the control box according to the provided instructions. This cable typically plugs into a designated port on the control box.
  9. Power the hands-free faucet: Plug the power supply into an electrical outlet. Then, connect the power supply to the control box using the appropriate cable or connector.
  10. Test the hands-free functionality: Turn on the water supply valves and test the hands-free feature by waving your hand in front of the sensor. The water should flow automatically when the sensor detects movement.
  11. Adjust sensor settings (if necessary): Some hands-free faucets offer adjustable settings for water temperature, flow rate, or sensor sensitivity. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions to make any desired adjustments.
  12. Check for leaks: After the installation is complete, turn on the hands-free faucet and inspect all connections for leaks. If you notice any leaks, tighten the connections or use plumber’s tape to ensure a proper seal.

By following these steps and the specific instructions provided with your hands-free faucet, you should be able to install it successfully. If you’re unsure about any step or encounter difficulties, it’s always recommended to consult a professional plumber.

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Prior to becoming a part of BathSelect in 2004, Lina had the opportunity to amass a wealth of experience through collaborative efforts with a diverse array of design firms situated in the Washington DC metropolitan area. During this period, she engaged in various projects, gaining valuable insights and honing her skills in the dynamic and thriving design industry of the region. This extensive background laid a solid foundation for her eventual role at BathSelect, contributing to her proficiency and versatility in the field.