Commercial Sensor Faucet for Assistive Living Establishments

Commercial Sensor Faucet for Assistive Living Establishments

Commercial Automatic Sensor Faucets Suitable for Assistive Living Establishments

The commercial automatic faucets are known for their assistive qualities, automatic or sensor faucets are making their presence felt at many assistive living establishments and in places where the elderly and handicapped individuals call home, including health care facilities, clinics and hospitals where such hands free faucet fixtures are also essential for infection control.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), proper hand-washing is the single most effective means of preventing the spread of germs that can result in everything from the common cold and diarrhea to more serious and potentially life-threatening diseases. In addition, automatic faucets are water saving devices, helping save 70% of the water that would otherwise swirl down the drain unused and conserve as much as 3-5% of the water used by a standard household. Other benefits of automatic faucets are found in inhibiting the spread of germs which are known to thrive on faucet handles, as well as help prevent or mitigate scalding incidents caused by hot water flowing out of the faucet.

Touch Free Easy Activation

The infrared-controlled and capacitive-sensor controlled faucets are the most universal, offering user’s touch-free, easy activation. In general the ADA Accessibility Guidelines means faucets need to be lever, push-type, or electronically controlled operating mechanisms. In the event that a faucet is self-closing, such as a metering faucet, the faucet must remain open and running for at least 10 seconds.

The commercial sensor faucet at BathSelect meets the ADA requirements. Many options are available for attractive and user-friendly operation. Lever controls are also easy to operate with one hand.


In restrooms with manual faucets, handles are a prime breeding ground for germs. Touching faucet handles after washing simply re-contaminates hands and reverses much of the good that came from washing in the first place. Known for their assistive qualities, automatic faucets are making their presence felt at assistive living establishments and places where the elderly and/or handicapped can use such facilities with ease .


ADA compliant push-type faucets are economical because they allow water to run for a limited amount of time. However it may take more time and effort for a disabled person to wash, so push-type faucets may be inconvenient.

Electronically Controlled

Infrared-controlled or capacitive-sensor faucets are ADA compliant, easy to use and especially sanitary for all users. Those motion detection sensors are innovative, durable and stylish and designed to operate in the toughest commercial applications. They are energy efficient and reduce the chance of flooding. Hand washing sensor bath filler taps are also available in tempered or hot/cold water operation, see our line at Bath Select for commercial sensor faucets. For Contractors Bulk Pricing1-800-856-2284 Special Bulk Orders for Distributors & Contractors Pro Discount Pricing

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Bath Select Blog, is a freelance journalist from Scotland. You can find more of her work at Fembot Magazine, HelloGiggles, and New Normative.