Specifications Of Sensor Faucets for Public Restrooms

Specifications Hands Free Sensor Faucets for Public Restrooms

Hands Free Sensor Faucets – For Cleaner Restrooms Specs

Updated June 12, 2023

When it comes to cleaner restrooms, incorporating touchless bathroom faucets can be a game-changer. Here are some specifications and benefits of touchless bathroom faucets that contribute to maintaining a cleaner restroom:

Touchless Operation

Touchless bathroom faucets eliminate the need for physical contact, minimizing the transfer of germs and bacteria from one person to another. By using motion sensors, these faucets detect the presence of hands and automatically activate the water flow, ensuring a hygienic experience for restroom users.

Hygienic Design

Touchless bathroom faucets are designed with cleanliness in mind. They often have sleek and seamless designs, minimizing the accumulation of dirt, grime, and bacteria. The absence of handles or knobs reduces touchpoints, making cleaning easier and more effective.

Water Conservation

Many touchless bathroom faucets come equipped with water-saving features. They are designed to deliver water only when needed, reducing wastage and promoting water conservation. By controlling the flow and ensuring water is not left running unnecessarily, these faucets contribute to eco-friendly restroom practices.

Adjustable Sensing Range

Touchless bathroom faucets often offer adjustable sensing ranges, allowing you to customize the distance at which the faucet activates. This feature ensures that the water flow is triggered when hands are within the desired range, minimizing accidental activations and water splashes.

Easy Maintenance

Touchless bathroom faucets typically require less maintenance than traditional faucets. With no handles or knobs to clean, they are easier to wipe down and disinfect. Additionally, some touchless faucets have self-cleaning features that help prevent the buildup of mineral deposits and bacterial growth.

Battery and AC Power Options

Touchless bathroom faucets can be powered by either batteries or AC power. Battery-operated faucets provide flexibility in terms of installation, as they don’t require access to electrical outlets. AC-powered faucets offer a constant power source and are suitable for high-traffic restrooms where battery replacement may be frequent.

By incorporating touchless bathroom faucets with these specifications, restrooms can promote a cleaner and more hygienic environment. These faucets reduce the spread of germs, enhance restroom cleanliness, conserve water, and simplify maintenance. Ultimately, they contribute to an improved restroom experience for users while prioritizing hygiene and sanitation.

Nowadays the majority of high traffic restrooms, be it in malls, restaurants or any other public places are utilizing more and more the hands free motion sensor faucets, also called touch less faucets technology. Such high traffic public restrooms have been an important consideration for issues related to transferring germs. Studies have shown many are only visited strictly out of necessity. Indeed, the washroom has garnered a reputation for being an unclean location.

For example the influenza virus is frequently found on restroom surfaces. It is easy to imagine the hundreds of restroom users that can be infected by touching a contaminated faucet to turn off the water after washing. As such, one of the best solutions for minimizing contact with harmful germs and bacteria is the hands-free faucet.

Facility managers often also appreciate these devices, because keeping user’s hands off knobs and handles can help prevent wear-and-tear and vandalism.

According to Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) it requires all public accommodations constructed after 1990 be accessible to disabled citizens. In addition to barrier-free access to the building itself, fixtures such as faucets must also be accessible. Further, operation of the faucet must not require tight pinching, grasping or twisting of the wrist.

The force to activate the faucet must be 5 lbs. or less. Hand-operated faucets must remain open for at least 10 seconds. Lever Operated: sensor faucet commercial Lever operated controls are ADA compliant if they meet the 5 lb. or less force requirement.

Commercial Motion Sensor Faucets

At BathSelect those infrared-controlled and capacitive-sensor controlled faucets are the most universal, offering user’s touch-free, easy activation. In general the ADA Accessibility Guidelines means faucets need to be lever, push-type, or electronically controlled operating mechanisms. In the event that a faucet is self-closing, such as a metering faucet, the faucet must remain open and running for at least 10 seconds. BathSelect commercial restroom sensor faucets are durable and designed for heavy use.

The commercial sensor faucet at Bath Select meets the commercial hands free motion sensor faucets ADA requirements. Many options are available for attractive and user-friendly. Lever controls are also easy to operate with one hand.

Avoid Bad Quality Commercial Motion Sensor Faucets

Motion sensor faucets are a great idea, however buying low quality sensor faucets can be costly in the long run. Bad quality or faulty sensor faucets might not function effectively, for example they may not be sensitive enough, so users end up waving their hands numerous times before activating the water flow.

Sensor faucets may have faulty design (or in few cases choosing the wrong sensor faucets style), the neck of the faucet is too close to the basin, causing the user to touch the grimy basin itself; or simply the neck is too high, causing water to splash unnecessarily out of the basin and onto the users.

Push-Type – ADA compliant push-type faucets are economical because they allow water to run for a limited amount of time. Because it may take more time and effort for a disabled person to wash, however, push-type faucets may be inconvenient.

Electronically Controlled: Infrared-controlled or capacitive-sensor faucets are ADA compliant, easy to use and especially sanitary for all users. Those motion detection sensors are innovative, durable and stylish and designed to operate in the toughest commercial applications.

They are energy efficient and reduce the chance of flooding. Hand washing sensor bath filler taps are also available in tempered or hot/cold water operation, see our line at Bath Select for commercial sensor faucets.

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Commercial Sensor Faucets

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Betty brings over a decade of experience in interior design and home remodelling projects. After her graduation from Portland State University School of Architecture she started working for a top design firm and developed passion for design/building process.